GLDSA – Gifted with Learning Disabilities, South Australia

Do you have a child identified as “twice-exceptional” (or “2-E”), or “gifted with a learning disability” or just has “something else going on”?

Then you may be interested in GLD SA, a subcommittee of GTCASA.

What is GLD?

While the term GLD stands for “Gifted with a Learning Disability”, it really stands for much more. Your gifted child may have a disability, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dyslexia, ADHD, Hearing Impairment, or any other medical conditions that can impair learning. Perhaps you simply identify your gifted child as having “something else going on” which affects their behaviour and subsequently their learning. Some of the literature refers to such children as “twice-exceptional” or “2-E”.

GLD SA meets every two months, alternating between the Stirling Coventry Library and Glenunga International High School. Meetings are a great opportunity to connect with and share experiences with other parents of GLD children face to face. Sometimes we hold sessions on particular topics and invite guest speakers.

Membership to GLDSA is free, but it is expected that you have a membership to another organisation to support your children, such as GTCASA, Autism SA or SPELD. GLD SA is a support group linked to GTCASA so we ask that non-members of GTCASA donate a gold coin at our meetings, to cover costs of tea and coffee, and insurance.

Your interest in GLD SA puts your name on our email list. Your email address remains confidential and is only known to the administrators of GLD SA. You then become a member. You will have access to regular email updates and summaries of the meetings, as well as information regarding up-coming meetings and particular topics relating to twice-exceptional children. We also have a facebook group called ‘gifted 2E support (GLDSA)’. It is a closed group where parents can discuss the adventures and challenges they face with their GLD children.

If you wish to receive emails or other notifications from GLD SA, please fill in the designated portion of the GTCASA membership form or you can email Kate on